All articles by Charlotte Moore
Country Report
How consolidation might affect the UK’s local government pension sector
There is political consensus on the need for local government pension schemes to merge, but the question of in-house asset management is less straightforward
Special Report
Building a class action toolbox for investors
As class actions have started to play an increasingly important role in good governance for UK and European pensions funds, the need to establish best practice in the field is growing.
Special Report
Sustainable fixed income products gain ground
Institutional investor exposure to sustainable investment products has declined in recent months as macroeconomic developments have driven a shift back into fixed income products.
Special Report
Focus returns to fixed income ETFs
Fixed income is back, baby! In the seven months to the end of July 2023, flows into European-domiciled fixed income exchange-traded funds were €39bn compared with €14bn for the same period last year, according to Morningstar.
Special Report
DC Pensions: Funds take greater role in corporate stewardship
Voting power is still largely with fund managers, but DC schemes are taking steps to make their voice heard
UK LDI woes raise wider European questions
Turmoil in UK Gilt markets has forced continental European pension industries to review their risk management strategies
Special Report
Transparency: getting it taped
It’s much harder for European ETF investors to get detailed information on liquidity, volumes and best execution than it is for their US counterparts. That’s because this data isn’t aggregated into a consolidated tape as it is on the other side of the Atlantic.
Special Report
Active ETFs: mixed fortunes
Tax efficiency and regulatory change have been the key drivers of the development of active exchange-traded funds in the US. As there are no similar tax benefits nor regulatory change in Europe, growth in this region has been limited.
Commodities show their value
The few pension schemes with an investment in commodities benefitted from this allocation in recent months. Prices in this asset class rose as the pandemic and war in Ukraine pushed up the cost of fossil fuels and re-ignited inflation while both equity and bond markets faltered.
NEST picks Schroders for private equity portfolio
The long-term target is to have around 5% of NEST’s portfolio in private equity
Country Report
UK: Pension dashboards make slow progress
DWP timeline is met with optimism but complex UK system throws up problems
Special Report
Stewardship: Heavy-lifting network
Groups like Climate Action 100+ can help index managers to target their investment heft in engagement with individual companies
Special Report
Evolution and diversification outpace consolidation
Asset manager consolidation had a direct impact on the European ETF market this year when Amundi announced its acquisition of Lyxor. This will merge the two largest French providers of these product ranges.
Special Report
Turning scale and commitment into influence
The popularity of passive strategies such as ETFs among institutional investors might at first sight appear inconsistent with the role of asset owners as effective corporate stewards. The reality is that passive does not equate to a lack of interest or influence.
Special Report
Risk transfer: A story of pent-up demand
Next year’s transaction values could exceed 2019’s record as trustees’ attention turns to future longevity
Special Report
Approaches to engagement
Investors’ approaches to engagement depend on their equity investment strategy
Special Report
UK: More needs to be done to address post-retirement challenges
The industry has been slow to address the challenges posed by pension freedoms
Asset Class Reports
Market Access: Barriers to entry
Smaller pension schemes have to overcome hurdles if they are to invest in private equity
Special Report
Liquidity & Implementation: The shifting sands of index provision
As ETFs are created to track ever more specialised market exposures, competitive pressures and new regulations are impacting the complex relationships between asset managers and index providers.
Special Report
UK: Learning from the lab rat
The UK has got many things right when it comes to auto-enrolment. What should other countries learn from the policy?