Government Bonds – Page 14
North Rhine-Westphalia to launch €10bn civil servant pension fund
Asset allocation, external manager yet to be decided
Emerging markets wipe out returns at Switzerland's Publica
Pension fund cites negative impact of emerging market exposure
European pension fund tenders $600m government bond mandate
Passive/semi-passive investment process sought
Special Report
Bond bonanza beckons
China’s continuing reforms to open up its fast-growing bond market to foreign investors could make it the largest market yet for global investors, writes Tsering Namgyal
Asset Allocation: The big picture
Another summer passes with huge market moves and chaotic trading days. China’s stock markets ‘wobbles’ are still ongoing, and while emerging markets – especially in Asia – are still being sorely buffeted, more developed markets have attained some degree of calm.
PGGM backs EMIR but calls for stressed market liquidity assistance
Dutch pension fund manager wants larger repo market if solution to using non-cash assets is not found
Aviation Authority pension fund secures £1.6bn buy-in
Rothesay begins to dominate 2015 market as scheme insures pensioner members
Asset Allocation: The big picture
This year looks like it could be remembered as the Bund sell-off year, or perhaps even the Bund Blowback, with one of the intraday price falls larger than any recorded (by Bloomberg) in the past quarter century
Concern over pension-fund shadow banks 'exaggerated', PIMCO says
Institutional investors have little in common with unregulated banks, asset manager says
Switzerland's AHV drops soft commodities due to 'political sensitivity'
First-pillar fund’s future commodity investments to include energy, precious metals only
Asset Class Reports
Grexit and euro-zone ratings
Greece’s exit from the EU could cause other countries to follow, and ultimately lead to the destruction of monetary union
Asset Class Reports
Euro-zone sovereign bonds: A parallel world
Regulation continues to push European pension funds to invest in euro-zone government debt at increasingly unattractive yields
Asset Class Reports
Euro-zone sovereign bonds: State of the nations
QE helps but only reform can resolve the euro-zone’s problems, according to David Zahn
Asset Allocation: The big picture
Although the severe winter did have a significant impact on US economic activity in the first quarter, the strength of the headwinds from a stronger dollar and the collapse in capital spending within the energy sector have also taken their toll
Swiss funds troubled by impact of negative 10-year bond yields
Swiss 10-year government bond yield positive if inflation forecast remains true
Credit risk premium ‘underestimated’ due to duration fault, says AQR [updated]
Eerroneous matching of duration between risk-free sovereign bonds and corporate bonds led to underestimation of pure credit risk-premia
NEST appoints LGIM to manage single-year Gilt strategy shift
Auto-enrolment provider chooses UK asset manager for single-year Gilts, replacing cash
Special Report
GDP-linked sovereign bonds: Would investors buy them?
Some emerging markets have experimented with GDP-linked sovereign borrowing, and the Greek finance minister is the latest to discuss the idea. We ask whether investors would buy it
Asset Allocation: The big picture
As the US economy continues to recover, the hour when the Fed starts to tighten is approaching
Bonds, alternatives drive 12% return at DAX-listed company schemes
Liabilities on rise together with assets, consultancies warn