Government Bonds – Page 16
Asset Class Reports
Developed Market Sovereign Bonds: 'No attempt to challenge facts'
Moody’s Albert Metz responds to UniCredit’s paper on subjective bias in sovereign bond credit ratings
Asset Class Reports
Developed Market Sovereign Bonds: 'UniCredit's analysis is flawed'
Standard & Poor’s Moritz Kraemer responds to UniCredit’s paper on subjective bias in sovereign bond credit ratings
Asset Class Reports
Sovereign Bonds: A wealth of opportunity
Martin Steward speaks with Stratton Street Capital, which believes a sovereign’s wealth determines the performance of its bond and currency markets
Asset Class Reports
Sovereign Bonds: The tip of an iceberg
Detroit’s bankruptcy grabs the headlines, but Christopher O’Dea draws attention to an even more significant muni bond development: pension-funding bonds issued by high-quality deleveraging municipalities
Asset Class Reports
Sovereign Bonds: Tough at the top
Martin Steward finds life getting tricky for even the best active European bond managers
Asset Class Reports
Sovereign Bonds: Yielding more questions than answers
Some see recent bond-market sell-offs as the start of the long-awaited bear market in bonds – or at least a ‘normalisation’ of rates, while others point sceptically to weak global growth
Achmea shifts portfolio from government bonds to credit
NETHERLANDS – Insurer divests nearly €800m in Dutch, German and French government bonds.
Asset Class Reports
Sovereign Bonds: Risk-free no longer
Joseph Mariathasan looks at how investors are adapting to the new world of sovereign bond risk
Asset Class Reports
Sovereign Bonds: The world’s shallowest cliff
Rock-bottom yields and a poor debt outlook – brought into focus by the ‘fiscal cliff’ – make US Treasuries a tough ‘safe haven’ to love, finds Joseph Mariathsan
Asset Class Reports
Sovereign Bonds: Denmark: an unlikely haven?
Denmark’s bonds, perceived as a safe haven from volatility in the euro-zone, have the lowest yields on the market. But Pavle Sabic argues that its fundamentals versus its Nordic neighbours suggest this is not simply about credit risk
Asset Class Reports
Sovereign Bonds: Would you credit it?
The split between Gilts and non-Gilts could be waiting to define tomorrow’s performance in UK fixed income strategies, finds Martin Steward
Asset Class Reports
Sovereign Bonds: Competing premia
Martin Steward finds portfolio managers agreeing on the need to find some spread. But where – in corporate bonds, or peripheral sovereigns?
Asset Class Reports
Sovereign Bonds: Curve balls from credit markets
The temptation to look beyond sovereigns for yield is understandable. But Martin Steward finds that the obvious move into top-quality corporates may not be the way to do it
Pension fund for doctors re-allocates bonds to Germany, Netherlands
SPH also maintains cash overweight in equity portfolio to protect coverage ratio of 128%.
Asset Class Reports
Sovereign Bonds: Old certainties crumble
Politics, not economic fundamentals, will determine the future of the developed world’s bond markets. Joseph Mariathasan finds this causing fixed income managers untold headaches
Asset Class Reports
Sovereign Bonds: Over-priced, over-exposed…
…over my dead body? Despite other options, Martin Steward finds pension funds struggling to let go of core government bonds
Asset Class Reports
Sovereign Bonds: Dodging bullets
The US downgrade did not rock the foundations of the US Treasury market, and might even have sent a healthy signal to Washington’s elite, writes Emma Cusworth
Asset Class Reports
Sovereign Bonds: Sustainable sovereigns will pay their way
Balazs Magyar shows that environmental and social, in addition to fiscal sustainability, have had a material effect on sovereign bond returns
AGI warns on German Bunds
EUROPE – Allianz Global Investors (AGI) has cautioned against exposure to German Bunds, arguing that the European Union’s bailout package means the country will further lose its status as a investment safe haven.
Greece, Spain lead government bond returns in the third quarter
EUROPE – Greece and Spain – which have hit the headlines this year due to their large debt burden – are leading total returns in the third quarter of this year, according to the S&P Eurozone Government Bond index.