Government Bonds – Page 6
Fondazione Enasarco to invest €500m in Italian bonds
One of the goals of the new strategy was is to cut real estate and increase exposure to liquid asset classes such as bonds and equities
APK issues equity mandate worth up to $240m via IPE Quest
Plus: a pension fund in Switzerland and another in Germany tender more than €1.2bn in equities and bonds mandates
Valida introduces inflation-linked bonds with new strategy
Pensionskasse and Vorsorgekasse both increase its equity allocation but made cuts to euro zone government bonds, among other things
Bond volatility demands UK schemes prepare for urgent action, says Aon
The situation has arisen because the bond market has repriced rapidly
Asset Class Reports
Credit: Inflation and the bond markets
Risks look likely to be building in credit as central banks wreak collateral damage on economies in their bid to tame inflation
Fixed income, rates & currency: inflation battle in full swing
As we reach the midpoint of the year, there is little sign that the second half of 2022 will be any less turbulent than the first. The conflict in Ukraine slogs on – a destructive war of attrition, pain and fear. The repercussions are huge, global and unpredictable, be they surging energy prices or impending, but acute, shortages of basic foodstuffs, or of semi-conductors, so vital to 21st century life.
Country Report
Italy: Pension funds adapt to a new regime
Inflation, higher interest rates and geopolitical tensions are leading Italian pension funds to recalibrate their investment strategies
Country Report
Country Report – Pensions in Italy (July/August 2022)
Italy’s pension industry continues to develop, albeit at a slow pace. Italian pension funds are adapting their strategies to the volatile and uncertain market regime, by purchasing inflation-linked assets and by taking advantage of potentially higher yields on domestic government bonds. However, as our lead article highlights, they are generally staying true to their long-term diversification strategies, which consist of gradually allocating to alternatives including private equity, private debt and infrastructure. Some have bought shares in the Bank of Italy, a private equity-like investment.
Special Report
Outlook: Good riddance to negative interest rates
The net effect of setting interest rates below zero is negative, and central banks may be wary of such policies in the future
Fixed income, rates & currency: disappearing safe havens
Risk markets have been having a torrid time of late. ‘Risk-free’ government bond markets are not providing any safe havens in these storms, with curves steepening and considerable volatility in longer rates.
Opinion Pieces
Viewpoint: Swap spreads at stress levels
Asset swap (ASW) spreads are currently trading at historically high levels as volatility in rates markets has remained high. We believe there is an opportunity for continental European pension funds to enter into Euribor receiver swaps and sell Bunds in their matching portfolio. Indeed, we expect that the peak in ...
PMT, PME ditch ‘authoritarian countries’ from EM index
The two Dutch pension funds have sold Egypt and Vietnam government bonds as a result of the policy change
Mandate roundup: Swiss pension fund seeks manager for index strategies
Plus: Italian scheme signs up to BNP Paribas’ ESG platform; Mercer wins OCIO contract
Danish pensions lobby proposes sector pitches in to build national defence
IPD proposes ‘completely new PPP collaboration’, in the light of the war in Ukraine
Asset Class Reports
Credit: Anthropocene fixed income
Former credit portfolio manager Ulf Erlandsson is on a mission to shake up the bond markets’ climate-change credentials
Norway adds Russia, Belarus to SWF’s bond blacklist; says fund is not policy instrument
North Korea and Syria to remain part of “government bond exemption”, says finance ministry
Fixed income, rates, currencies: Inflation spotlight on central banks
Not often far from the action, central banks have been centre stage in 2022 as one after another in the developed markets reveal their hawkish intents. The speed and synchronicity with which they have shifted has been pretty remarkable, with only the Bank of Japan not yet joining other main central banks.
Risk analytics company claims new standard for sovereign ESG analysis
Verisk Maplecroft says its ratings show environmental and social factors are highly material for bond pricing
Asset Class Reports
US banks lead a boom in debt issuance
Capital requirements and locking in cheap funding have prompted banks to issue more bonds, but Europe lags behind
Special Report
NextGenEU: Towards a new euro yield curve?
Bonds designed to support member states hit hardest by the pandemic look set to become a new safe asset