All High Level Expert Group (HLEG) articles
COP29: Moderate success, but investors still await clear signals
PKA’s CEO sees momentum building on public-private partnerships, however
UN expert group calls for major financial transformation to meet climate goals
Independent High Level Expert Group (IHLEG) on Climate Finance has urged for a greater focus on catalytic and blended finance
Report analyses 1000+ private-sector climate policies
Helena Viñes Fiestas, co-chair of the Taskforce on Net Zero Policy, says ‘the voice of long-term asset owners isn’t being properly heard’
Heads of ISSB, NGFS, EU advisory body to help steer new net-zero policy taskforce
UN initiative, hosted by Principles for Responsible Investment, seeks to socialise good climate rules into global regulatory landscape
EU mulls lower capital charges for blended finance
Commission urged to reclassify public-private investments to bolster SDG-related capital flows
Net zero asset owners get direction on policy advocacy, transition plans
‘Impossible’ for asset owners to meet net zero goals without an enabling policy environment
COP28: ‘Proof of concept’ launched for public net zero data portal
Also at COP28 a group focused on aligning global policy with net zero emission goals has been launched
Net zero strategies must include proxy voting commitments, verification, UN says
The guidance on credible net zero transition plans calls for the creation of a ‘global taskforce on net zero regulation’
UN secretary general launches group to examine net-zero pledges
High-level expert group will assess current standards and definitions and recommend enhancements if they are found wanting
Eurosif launches strategy review in light of ESG regulatory changes
Review to cover governance, mission, objectives and more, and to be finished by the end of April
MEPs stick with IORP II delegated acts in vote on sustainability proposal
Pension funds had pushed for provision for delegated acts to be removed from the proposal
Leppälä appointed to EC high level pensions expert group
New body will provide policy advice to the European Commission
EC sustainable finance action plan 'is important' for pension funds
Many measures will be helpful — others will need to be approached with care, says PensionsEurope
EC to propose legislation ‘clarifying’ investor duties on sustainability
Legislative proposal on investor duties and sustainable taxonomy to be put forward in May
‘Green’ asset classification system gets go-ahead from EU finance ministers
ECOFIN president said ministers’ views would provide Commission with ‘food for thought’
Interview: Alecta CEO ‘proud’ of EU sustainable finance body output
Magnus Billing explains, praises and defends the recommendations of the advisory group
PensionsEurope to EC: ‘Stay clear of prescriptive approach’ on ESG
Industry trade bodies react to high profile expert group recommendations on sustainable finance
Pension funds ‘should consult members on ESG preferences’: HLEG
Consideration should be given to member preferences regardless of financial materiality, says advisory expert group on sustainable finance
Pension fund bodies warn against EU approach to ESG
aba, PensionsEurope, Dutch Pensions Federation respond to EC consultation on ESG and investor duties
EU considering sustainable investing as fiduciary duty for investors
European Commission launches consultation to inform the impact assessment process