All IPE articles in October 2017 (Magazine)
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AP4 calls on government to open door to unlisted direct investments
Swedish buffer fund welcomes increased flexibility in reform plan
Strategically speaking: Robeco
Only a few weeks after the 1929 Wall Street crash, a group of seven Rotterdam businessmen set up the Rotterdamsch Beleggings Consortium, later shortened to Robeco
A time for strong nerves
It is understandable that investors are nervous. Not only are valuations stretched in many markets but there seems to be a significant threat of military conflict
Asset Class Reports
Be ready when QE makes way for QT
Market distortions created by quantitative easing could prove fertile grounds for investors when central banks switch to quantitative tightening
Country Report
Portugal: The Italian play
Portuguese pension funds are continuing to invest in Italian debt despite the fears for Italy’s banking sector
Heed the warning signs
The private equity market is showing clear signals that it is reaching the end of a multi-year growth cycle. Yet, surveys show investors are intent to increase allocations
LD gains a new lease of life
New holiday allowances fund will keep Denmark’s Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond in operation for several extra decades
On the Record: What is your equity strategy?
Solidarietà Veneto, Pensioenfonds TNO and Nationwide Pension Fund share details about their equity exposure
Asset Class Reports
Global Equities: Valuations face a structural shift
It is not easy to predict where markets are heading in this era of great economic disruptions but there are big opportunities for skilled investors
ESG: Hearing the voices of employees
The UK government hopes that strengthening the voice of employees in corporate governance arrangements will help restore public trust in business
Asset Class Reports
Emerging markets lag in software
Despite the huge size of emerging economies they have yet to produce global leaders in software
Opinion Pieces
Guest Viewpoint: Robin Ellison
“The FCA has picked the wrong fight. We need a way to rate alternative investments”
Universities scheme faces political scrutiny over deficit plans
Given the less-than-healthy state of the UK’s defined benefit pension schemes, it is no surprise that the largest such fund in the country also has the largest deficit
No DC sugar rush
There is a strong risk that Germany’s pensions reform becomes neither a stunning success nor a stunning failure, but just adds to the complexity of German workplace pensions
Focus Group: Spotlight on research costs
Pension funds have largely been absent from the debate about MiFID II and research costs. We asked a group of pension funds with total assets of over €330bn for their views
Special Report
Research costs: Managers wrestle with MiFID
Many German asset managers have yet to decide how to apportion external research costs
Portfolio Construction: Themes for defensive investing
Global uncertainties and disruptions call for more care when building a defensive portfolio
Private Equity: Buying in a seller’s market
Private equity has outperformed the public markets for the past five years and institutional investors have been ramping up allocations
Opinion Pieces
Letter From Brussels: Pension rights for posted workers
Discussions over the payment of social costs for workers from central and eastern European countries posted temporarily to wealthier EU countries are playing a major role in the attempt to update existing directives