Asia-Pacific: Pensions and Investment News and Analysis – Page 5
Special Report
Private equity: Focus shift brings turmoil to market
China’s focus on ‘common prosperity’ is boosting the importance of ESG factors and generating new opportunities as well as risks
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Australia: Public places, private matters
AustralianSuper marked a milestone with its successful takeover in 2019 of education provider, Navitas, for A$2.1bn (€1.3bn).
Special Report
China bond ETFs: the path to a new opportunity
Historically, investors outside of China have struggled to access the country’s full range of unique investment opportunities. But this story is changing as policymakers seek to liberalise Chinese stock and bond markets to allow greater access to onshore Chinese investments.
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Australia: Too good to be true?
If Australia’s latest five-yearly Intergenerational Report (IGR) is to be taken seriously, Australian retirees can look forward to comfortable retirements 40 years hence.
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Australia: When the ‘kill switch’ misfires
The Australian government is attempting to push through Parliament legislation that would selectively benchmark the performance of superannuation funds – but has given up its intention to override investment decisions made by super funds.
KLP uses new criterion to ban Indian firm with Myanmar military link
Norwegian pensions giant among large institutional investors taking action on Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone
AP7 blacklists two Chinese stocks for environment misdeeds
Latest exclusions brings Swedish pension fund’s total blacklist to 86 companies
Pension investors press companies over Myanmar human rights risks
Norway’s Storebrand one leader of initiative; signatories include Velliv, AP7, Dutch architects
NBIM calls on China to sharpen corporate ESG reporting plan
Would be better to make Chinese firms publish English versions of corporate reports too, says Norway’s SWF
Briefing: China bonding with the world
It is tantalising to imagine the concept – that the standard global fixed-income portfolio, which has stood the test of time for so long, may be about to unravel. The standard bearers – US Treasuries, the UK Gilts, German Bunds and Japanese government bonds (JGBs) – may soon have to share the stage with a brash newcomer: Chinese government bonds (CGBs).
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Australia: Coalition mulls super hike
There are arguments both for and against a rise in compulsory superannuation contribution rate as Australia emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic .
Special Report
China’s asset management industry
The top 30 Chinese asset managers have a total AUM of €5.41trn, accounting for 35% of the industry total, according to IPE’s research partner, the London-based ATC Initiative
Denmark’s P+ mulls divestment of 11 stocks linked to Myanmar military
UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights should have legal force, says pension fund’s responsible investment chief
Norway SWF pushes for more independence on Japanese boards
Proposals for sharpening up Japanese corporate governance code draw comment from Oslo
Opinion Pieces
Emerging markets require a rethink
A rethink of the term ‘emerging markets’ is long overdue. It has always been a catch-all category but the gap between the description and reality is becoming over-stretched.
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Australia: A question of gender imbalance
Statistics offer a snapshot into the real world and they reveal a depressing picture of gender inequality in Australia’s superannuation system.
Opinion Pieces
Abundant opportunity… and risk
In case you needed reminding, both China’s equity and fixed-income markets are the world’s second-largest after the US.
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Australia: Should super savings fund homes?
A post-COVID-19 housing boom has made the future of Australia’s A$3trn (€2trn) superannuation savings pool a hot topic.
Opinion Pieces
Culture wars pose the greatest dangers
What areas within the increasingly bitter conflict between China and the West are most likely to hit asset owners?
China: Caught in the crossfire
The investment world is at risk of being caught in the midst of a ‘geoeconomic’ conflict between the world’s main economic blocs