Asia-Pacific: Pensions and Investment News and Analysis – Page 6
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Australia: Retail super funds in distress
Australia’s once-dominant retail super funds are witnessing the end of an era as they wrestle with loss of consumer confidence in their brands. Hastening change has been the rise of industry supers, which benefitted from damaging evidence provided to the Hayne Royal Commission in 2018.
Opinion Pieces
The world is approaching an inflection point
Domestic challenges and US political developments have proved such a preoccupation recently that it has been all too easy to miss a key global shift. China’s rise to global prominence has accelerated markedly as a result of the past year’s events.
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Australia: Early access genie escapes the bottle
In March 2020, as the Australian economy went into COVID-19 lockdown the government unlocked the national superannuation pool, seeking to ease the financial stress on individuals.
NBIM urges smoother functionality in HK IPO settlement plan
Norway’s giant SWF gives views on Hong Kong Exchanges IPO modernisation
PBU cornerstone investor in new southeast Asia women’s fund
Danish pension fund CEO says women ‘foundation of the family’ in developing countries
Opinion Pieces
Japan is not that different
One of the abiding myths about Japan is that it is different from everywhere else. Not just distinctive in the sense that all countries have peculiarities but uniquely different.
Briefing: Japan emerging from its invisible lockdown
Japan is all too often portrayed as being different from other countries. Not just distinctive in the obvious sense that every country has its own national peculiarities. Instead, somehow unique in a way that makes it stand out from every other country.
Special Report
Defined contribution: Australia's super review re-opens old battlegrounds
The Callaghan report on Australia’s universal superannuation system has rekindled a row between the government and the labour movement
ESG roundup: NN IP sees €300bn green bond issuance next year
Plus: GPIF allocates to gender-diversity index; Denmark’s Sampension adds 79 stocks to blacklist
Osmosis gains Commonwealth Super in Australian debut
Earlier this year Osmosis appointed industry veteran Mike O’Brien as special advisor to its asset management business
Japan’s GPIF seeks input on low yield environment entrenchment
¥167.5trn (€1.4trn) pension investor also looking for ideas about estimating returns for bonds in post-pandemic era
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Australia: Reforms not super for default funds
A string of government reforms due to come into effect from July 2021 has caught the superannuation sector off-guard.
GPIF: Climate risk impacts all asset classes
If the world could limit global warming from greenhouse gas emissions to 2°C, the value, particularly of Japanese companies, would increase
Australian pension fund settles climate change-related lawsuit
UK-based lawyers say pension funds there should also take note
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Australia: Funding the future world
A handful of Australian superannuation funds are committing their members’ savings to the future world in terms of energy, water, technology and ideas. There will be successes and failures as ideas are developed and marketed.
ESG roundup: BlackRock backs IFRS standards board proposal
Plus: TCFD looks into ’implied temperature rise’ metric, investors engage with miners on indigenous community rights
Norway’s oil fund council hires US non-profit to probe forced labour
Verité wins two-year contract to investigate SWF holdings possibly using bonded labour
Investors seek audience with Indonesian government over draft law
Investors fear Omnibus Bill on Job Creation will weaken environmental protection
Opinion Pieces
Letter from Australia: ESG stirs some ancient ghosts
In May this year, Rio Tinto blew up one of Western Australia’s most significant Aboriginal heritage sites.
Asset management roundup: ASI, BNPP create risk mitigation index
Plus: Man AHL, Baillie Gifford increase China access