All articles by Carlo Svaluto Moreolo – Page 15
On the Record: The volatility question
We asked two European pension funds how they view, and invest in, the hedge fund sector at a time when volatility is structurally low
How we run our money: Railpen
Andrea Ash (pictured), investment director at RPMI Railpen, tells Carlo Svaluto Moreolo about the UK pension fund’s private markets strategy
Special Report
Manager selection: Facing a difficult test
The resilience of private debt funds will be tested in the forthcoming downturn
Choose correctly on the private-debt journey
The short to medium-term outlook for private debt is complex to read, to say the least. There is mounting anxiety that the credit cycle may have run its course.
Strategically speaking: Research Affiliates
Self-described lifelong quant Rob Arnott finds the quantitative-investing industry often guilty of “overhyping and overselling” ideas
Special Report
Five key trends shaping manager selection
We asked consultants how the job of choosing asset managers is changing
Deviate at your own risk
The recent controversy about factor investing has probably not caused any distress to the investment industry, let alone the wider public, but it is a fundamental one
On the record: Delivering on our promise
Dmytro Sheludchenko of Sweden’s AP1 buffer fund explains how it constructs and manages its factor-investing portfolios
Cheyne Capital Management: High-impact debt investor
The growth of non-bank lending in Europe is often mentioned as a trend that could radically transform the European economy. This remains to be seen, but if banks gradually give some of their dominance in the lending market, then firms such as Cheyne Capital Management stand to benefit.
Special Report
Definitions: Contrasting approaches pose a predicament
Investors face a quandary as analytical tools depart from standard academic definitions of factors
How we run our money: APK Pensionskasse
Christian Böhm, CEO of Austria’s APK Pensionskasse, talks about the organisation’s blend of dynamic and long-term investment strategy
Italian schemes issue first tender for joint private equity investment
Five funds have clubbed together to form Progetto Iride, and are seeking a manager for a €216m mandate
Shunning the UK is a mistake
Continental investors hold nuanced views on Brexit. It is fair to say, however, that they generally see its impact as a negative factor for the UK economy, at least in the short term.
Special Report
Pension tech for dummies
There is no shortage of new technologies that can improve retirement outcomes for pension fund members
Special Report
Chris Sier: Data brings freedom
A UK fintech envoy talks about the potential for technology to empower investors
On the Record: Looking beyond Brexit
We asked European pension funds whether they see value in investing in UK assets. Despite the uncertainty regarding Brexit, most still see opportunities in the long term
Special Report
MiFID II: The best is yet to come
By placing stronger requirements on best execution, MiFID II is transforming the execution landscape
How we run our money: Bank of Ireland
Paul Droop (pictured), CIO of the Bank of Ireland’s staff pension scheme, tells Carlo Svaluto Moreolo about his approach to building a shockproof portfolio
How we run our money: Laborfonds
Ivonne Forno (pictured), the CEO of Laborfonds, the Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol regional pension fund, talks to Carlo Svaluto Moreolo shortly after the fund’s 20th birthday
Special Report
Fees & costs: The price worth paying
Awareness of the true costs of asset management services is rising