All articles by Carlo Svaluto Moreolo – Page 13
Perspective: Carlo Cottarelli
Carlo Cottarelli, the Italian economist and former IMF director, says fixing the European economy will mean taking difficult decisions
Asset management faces systemic risk questions
When will the next financial crisis hit? Over 80% of respondents among a sample of 500 institutional investors surveyed by Natixis Investment Managers expect a crisis to take place within the next five years.
How we run our money: Pension Danmark
Torben Möger Pedersen , CEO of PensionDanmark, tells Carlo Svaluto Moreolo that he sees the Danish pension provider as part of an improved Scandinavian welfare system
Strategically speaking: Scientific Beta
I am probably a little bit uncompromising,’’ says Noël Amenc, the founding CEO of Scientific Beta, the provider of factor indices and strategies. To those who know him that is an understatement.
On the record: Is private equity lagging behind the ESG curve?
IPE asked three pension funds how private equity managers are progressing in terms of integrating responsible investment
Opinion Pieces
Factor strategies should be based on scientific consensus
Investors should take note of the debate taking place within the factor investing industry. On one side, are those who support a purist approach to the definition of factors, arguing that factor strategies should be built using factor proxies that undergo rigorous scientific tests. Scientific Beta, the organisation linked to EDHEC Business School, is a vocal supporter of this approach.
Special Report
Industry viewpoints: Research post-MiFID II
How has research consumption changed since the unbundling of sell-side research costs from brokerage fees?
Strategically speaking: Generali Investments
A year into Generali’s ambitious growth plan, it looks set to meet its promises
Opinion Pieces
Systemic risk debate intensifies
The financial system is facing its greatest challenge since the 2018 financial crisis
On the record: Private credit
As the valuations of traditional credit assets look stretched, we asked two Danish institutions how they invest in alternative credit markets
Asset Class Reports
Credit: In the eye of the storm
What are the prospects for the credit markets as central bank turn dovish and economic activity slows down?
Special Report
Credit Ratings: Good credit, bad behaviour?
Rating agencies and asset managers are starting to integrate ESG in bond portfolios
How we run our money: Amonis
Tom Mergaerts , CEO of Amonis, tells Carlo Svaluto Moreolo about the Belgian €2.1bn pension fund’s uncompromising investment philosophy
Special Report
Management & outsourcing: The rush is on
Competition is intensifying among providers of data analysis and benchmarking solutions
On the Record: Lower yields
After the ECB’s announcement of more QE, we asked two pension funds how they plan to manage the prospect of lower yields
How we run our money: ZVK
Gregor Asshoff (pictured), board member of ZVK, the pension fund for Germany’s construction workers, talks to Carlo Svaluto Moreolo about upcoming asset allocation shifts
Asset Class Reports
The small-cap conundrum
Academic studies have cast doubt on the existence of a premium for investing in small-cap stocks
Opinion Pieces
Do not let costs become an obsession
Our report this month on management and outsourcing discusses how pension funds must increasingly rely on external organisations to analyse their portfolios, particularly from a cost perspective.
How we run our money: PGB
Harold Clijsen CIO of Dutch multi-sector Pensioenfonds PGB, speaks to Carlo Svaluto Moreolo about asset allocation, sustainable investment and member communications
On the Record: Emerging markets
We asked two pension funds whether the distinction between emerging and developed markets still makes sense