Pascal Blanque
CIO of Amundi Asset Management
- Analysis
Research: Back to basics will drive asset allocation
In the final article on a new report, Pascal Blanqué and Amin Rajan conclude that liquidity management has become vital as quantitative easing reaches a point of diminishing returns
- Features
Research: Pension investors seem to be losing faith in quantitative easing
In the first of two articles on a new survey of pension plans, Pascal Blanqué and Amin Rajan find that unconventional monetary policy has taken a toll on pension funds
- Features
IORP II kick-starts consolidation
In the final article on a new survey, Pascal Blanque and Amin Rajan argue that IORP II is set to drive out structural inefficiencies in the EU pension landscape
- Features
Research - Europe: Investors braced for an era of lower returns and higher volatility
In the second of three articles on a new survey, Pascal Blanque and Amin Rajan argue that pension investors are adapting to challenges that go beyond the realms of a maturing business cycle
- Features
How do investors view the future of the EU economy?
Cyclical recovery or secular healing? That is the big question behind the European Union’s economic bounce after its ‘lost decade’ – the toughest period since the founding of its predecessor, the European Economic Community, in 1957.
- Features
Long-Term Investing: Regaining the virtues of common sense
This concluding article on a new survey argues that pragmatism dominates asset allocation
- Features
Long-term investing: Equities will experience gravitational pull
This second article on a new survey argues that investing will remain a relative-value game
- Features
Research: The return of long-term investing
“Successful investing is anticipating the anticipations of others” according to John Maynard Keynes, one of the most influential economists of the twentieth century
- Features
Pension Investing: Distortions hasten innovation
In this third article on a new survey, Pascal Blanqué and Amin Rajan show that as old methods of investing have lost relevance in a landscape distorted by quantitative easing, a search for new ways has intensified
- Features
Pension Investing: Asset allocation to stay a relative value game
In the second article in a new series, Pascal Blanque and Amin Rajan argue that quantitative easing will continue to distort asset prices for the foreseeable future despite the rise of populist politics
- Features
Pension Investing: Is the tide of globalisation turning?
In the first of a series of articles, Pascal Blanqué and Amin Rajan argue that Britain’s vote to exit the EU will hit asset valuations, mainly via political contagion rather than corporate profits
- Special Report
Top 400: Debt Build-up - Lifeline is becoming a burden
Asset managers can no longer rely on central banks to shore-up the markets, according to Amin Rajan and Pascal Blanqué
- Features
Research: Risk focus has shifted from the past to the future
In the final article on their new study, Pascal Blanque and Amin Rajan argue that tail-risk hedges have limited value since QE has changed the nature of risk
- Features
Research: A new mindset for a new age
In the second article on a new pension survey, Pascal Blanque and Amin Rajan argue that it is harder to make rational decisions in this age of ultra-low rates
- Features
The perils and promise of financial repression
In this first article in a series on a new survey, Pascal Blanqué and Amin Rajan argue that quantitative easing leaves pension plans at the wrong end of an arbitrary redistribution of wealth
- Features
Savvy execution is the new silver bullet
In the third article in a new series, Pascal Blanqué and Amin Rajan argue that the ex post returns no longer match the ex ante promises
- Features
Focus on new models
In this first article on a new study, Pascal Blanqué and Amin Rajan outline how pension funds are adopting new asset allocation models and governance practices