All IPE articles in June 2017 (Magazine)
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Politics needs a longer lens
It is necessary to come to terms with the end of left and right
Special Report
Turning point for LDI
The prolonged low-interest-rate environment is prompting debate about the future of LDI
How we run our money: Nordea Life & Pensions
Rachel Fixsen asked Thomas Otbo, Jesper Nørgaard and Erik Callert about the changes being made to the Nordics’ biggest commercial life insurer
Asset Class Reports
Gilts still retain some lustre
Even when offering negative real returns, Gilts are generating interest as a risk-free asset
Special Report
Interview: Gabriella Kindert, NN Investment Partners
“The further away you go from your core zone, the more difficult it gets”
Special Report
UK's Pension Protection Fund: A smooth transition
Trevor Welsh, the UK’s Pension Protection Fund’s head of liability-driven investment, discusses how it manages interest rate and inflation risk
The impaired financial instruments standard
From January 2018 IFRS 9 will replace the IASB’s existing rule book
Opinion Pieces
Letter from the US: High fees but strong returns
Some US pension funds say they may be paying too much for their investments in private equity and are seeking different approaches
Lending risks are exaggerated
Patient investors will benefit from an exposure to alternative credit
Special Report
Italy: The EU’s next existential threat?
Italy’s political system has shifted since the early 1990s from one based on traditional parties to an emphasis on personality-based politics
Special Report
Europe's political outlook: Shifting to a new politics
The distinctions that have characterised politics for over two centuries could be coming to an end
Special Report
Securitisation: European recovery lags the US
US securitisation is finally recovering from the global financial crisis while in the euro-zone the central bank is soaking up most issuance
ESG: Has the penny dropped on pay?
Some companies are starting to get the shareholder message on executive remuneration
Macro matters: The downsides of hegemony
The US benefits from global dominance but there are downsides for the rest of the world
Special Report
Spain: The end of two-party dominance
Spain’s political plight is in some respects similar to other Western European countries but in other ways fundamentally different
Country Report
Finland regulation: Seeking pension diversity
Finland is making it easier to set up a pension fund, with the aim of increasing competition
Country Report
Denmark: Pension risk faces scrutiny
Assessing responses to the Danish FSA’s recent discussion paper on pensions risk
The tribulations of a democratic SWF
Government indicates that unlisted infrastructure brings on board new risks that the Norwegian public will not like ‘Discretionary bets’ and ‘operational mistakes’ seen as big risks that the oil fund should avoid
Special Report
Private debt: Time to get picky
After years of strong performance the sector could be due a shake-out